The day in the life of a child. This collection depicts a few objects which a child uses to assist, articualte and embody their imagination throughout the day. From clothing to keep them warm on their adventures to videogames and books which serve as gateways to different worlds. This collection aims to show the purity and boundless nature of the imagination of a child.

The sun has risen. The bright red under your shut eyes tells you the morning is a bright one. Your shift your body ever so slightly. Your in a comfy space, you can feel the cushion-like sensation under your left arm. A familiar friend. A guardian to keep you safe at night. He doesn’t look tough. But who said he needed to. You embrace him tighter. You can’t remember a time before you had him. You don’t want to imagine a time when you won’t. You open your eyes. The sun is shining bright, what opportunity awaits. You give him one last squeeze then it’s time to leave him, at least for until night falls again.
Its early and cold. Everybody else is asleep. The grass even looks icy. You look look down. Perfect, right where you left them. C’mon now, like you practiced. Bunny ears, then criss cross and under the bridge, pull tight. And then…nope...Good enough, you can’t wait any longer.
You pull the door open. A castle to home the fiercest of warriors, at least this morning it was. It jams a little so you need to lift and pull. Smells like wood. Your right-hand man updates you on the situation. A battalion of enemies approaching from the east. And dragons! Nothing you can’t handle.You drop to your knees and peep out the window. You can see them approaching. Archers!
The walls are crumbling. The time is approaching. Your warriors are calling you. They need you. It’s time to enter the battlefield. You search desperately. You hear explosions, smell smoke. The walls vibrate from the battle raging just outside. There! Your specialty weapons. Infused with magic. The only blades sharp enough to pierce a dragon's scales. If you know how to use them.
You're exhausted. You've been out here for a long time. It's only when you stop moving around so much that you notice the cold. But you want the battle to continue. Your having too much fun to leave this world just yet. An idea springs to mind. They're in your room, in the draw beside your bed. You run to get them. Ok... well obviously you're the enemy and maybe you too, this is your right-hand man and this! yes this is you, naturally, he's the coolest.
She's awake. You hear her footsteps down the hallway. You ask her if you can play. She says yes but only for an hour. You barter. She says an hour and a half and that's final. You'll take it. Your run to find it. It's cold in your hands. Flat too. You plug it and it lights up. A completely new world awaits.
Please just a little longer. Please! Please! well what are you meant to do then? Actually that does sound like a exciting idea. You've been etching to know what was going to happen next. It's not in the bedroom. Not in the study. Ah, that's right. In the bathroom next to the toilet. You find a some pillows and a blanket and nestle yourself just next to the window. Where were you, where were you. Here we are. Chapter 8.
You can feel your thoughs drifting away. Your eyes see the words but your not reading them. You've been fighting thse heavy eyelids for a few minutes now. Maybe you shouldn't resist anymore. This seems like a good place. These cushions are very comfortable. You slide down a little, rest your head. Here it comes. Like an old friend sleep takes you. Not for too long. Just enough to get you through to bedtime.
Collections akin to this one can be viewed in any home in which a child lives. although the objects may come in different shapes, colours and materials their purpose remains the same. To serve the wonderous mind of a child.